Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman

Expanding on the Authorized Biography


Samuel L. Jackson

Frank Miller, Don’t Read This, Part 15 (i09.com)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesBy Graeme McMillanio9.comOct. 15, 2008 I’ve noticed a trend: We do a post about the upcoming movie version of The Spirit, and commenters complain that we’re too negative about it. Is it a ploy to bury Frank Miller’s directing… Continue Reading →

DC rush solicits "The Spirit Special" #1 (CBR News)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesImage via Wikipedia Official Press Release With Frank Miller’s highly anticipated movie of The Spirit coming in December, DC Comics rush solicits THE SPIRIT SPECIAL #1. “We’re pleased to offer this Special based on suggestions made at the Diamond… Continue Reading →

DC rush solicits "The Spirit Special" #1 (CBR News)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesImage via Wikipedia Official Press Release With Frank Miller’s highly anticipated movie of The Spirit coming in December, DC Comics rush solicits THE SPIRIT SPECIAL #1. “We’re pleased to offer this Special based on suggestions made at the Diamond… Continue Reading →

Movie Poster Contest for "The Spirit"

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesImage by Strandell via Flickr Frank Miller couldn’t get it right, so Odd Lot and Lionsgate are asking fans to help them out of the deep hole they’ve dug for themselves on Frank Miller’s Will Eisner’s The Spirit. Good… Continue Reading →

Movie Poster Contest for "The Spirit"

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesImage by Strandell via Flickr Frank Miller couldn’t get it right, so Odd Lot and Lionsgate are asking fans to help them out of the deep hole they’ve dug for themselves on Frank Miller’s Will Eisner’s The Spirit. Good… Continue Reading →

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