Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman

Expanding on the Authorized Biography


comic book artist

Good Reads: Contract With God-Will Eisner (YouthLikeHubris)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares [amazon_link id=”0393061051″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]By lopezident I really like Comic books. I mean REALLY like comic books. Because of my lack of finances I go to the library for all of my media but that being said,… Continue Reading →

New from IDW: Will Eisner’s The Spirit Artist’s Edition

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares The title is scheduled to ship in early April 2013. Pre-orders will be shipped in the order that they were received. You may experience a shipping delay of 1-2 weeks after the release date depending on the total… Continue Reading →

ON THE SCENE: Was Will Eisner a Novelist?

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares By Hannah Means-Shannon March 13, 2013 Towards the end of his life, witnessing the rise of the graphic novel as a format, Will Eisner commented on the fact that his books formed a subsection of the graphic novels… Continue Reading →

Comic Review: Last Day In Vietnam (GeeksOfDoom.com)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares [amazon_link id=”1616551208″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]Will Eisner is the man who literally wrote the book on creating comics. His Comics and Sequential Art has influenced comic creators since its original publication in 1985 and was my introduction to… Continue Reading →

PS Magazine’s Paul Fitzgerald honored at National Press Club!

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares [amazon_link id=”1401204236″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link] Paul E. Fitzgerald, author of the 2010 Eisner Award nominee Will Eisner and PS Magazine and a frequent contributor to this blog, was toasted on March 28, 2013 by a group of… Continue Reading →

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