Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman

Expanding on the Authorized Biography


comic strips

Love, law and Lash: Lessons with Will Eisner! VIDEO INTERVIEW

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesIf you love art and comics in particular, you won’t want to miss this interview, which will include a drawing demonstration by Batton Lash. And did I mention Lash is also the man behind the classic comic book The… Continue Reading →

VIDEO: Stan Lee interviews Will Eisner (Four Parts)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares  Part 1 of 4    Part 2 of 4    Part 3 of 4    Part 4 of 4Thanks to The Epistolizer blog for bringing this to our attention! Bob Andelman is the host and producer of Mr…. Continue Reading →

Will Eisner’s ‘Harry Karry’ art comic collection on Kindle! (NJ.com)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesBy Jessica Driscoll Gloucester County Times WOODBURY HEIGHTS — Joseph Getsinger is making progress in his quest to publish “The Spirit of Harry Karry” — a book featuring the early works of cartoonist Will Eisner — and recently published… Continue Reading →

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