Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman

Expanding on the Authorized Biography


Graphic Novels

The Dreamer by Will Eisner: A Review

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares[amazon_link id=”0393328082″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]by Tim van de Vall 01/16/2013 “Dreamers journey through life to a cadence all their own. They make decisions or enter undertakings that often seem naive and confounding to the pragmatists, who, in the… Continue Reading →

Review: “Will Eisner’s The Plot” (Freeline Media Orlando)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares[amazon_link id=”0393328600″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]By Michael W Freeman January 17, 2013 MAITLAND — Until his death on Jan. 3, 2005, William Erwin “Will” Eisner was one of the nation’s most respected comics writer and artists, who gave us… Continue Reading →

Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards Now Accepting Submissions (ComicBook.com)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesComic-Con International announced yesterday that submissions are being accepted for consideration by the judges for the 2013 Will Eisner Comics Industry Awards. Publishers are generally expected to make the nominations, but creators can submit materials for consideration if their… Continue Reading →

NOW ONLINE! Will Eisner Hall of Fame! (Comic-con.org)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesThe Will Eisner Hall of Fame showcases more than 120 comics creators who have been inducted since 1987. From Neal Adams to Wally Wood, some of the greatest writers and artists of comic books and strips are members of… Continue Reading →

DC does retain rights to the Spirit Archives (The Beat)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares  By Heidi MacDonald December 18, 2018 After the internet reacted to a Facebook post by DC co-publisher Dan DiDio on DC relinquishing rights to a variety of pulp heroes, it was assumed that this might apply to the… Continue Reading →

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