by Chris Beveridge
July 1, 2015 at 06:01 PM
What They Say:
Set in the classic period of The Spirit’s golden age, the 1940s, the first 12-issue story arc follows the strip’s most beloved characters, Commissioner Dolan, his daughter Ellen, Ebony White and Sammy as they attempt to uncover why The Spirit has been missing, and presumed dead, for the past two years. Has the famous blue-masked hero finally fallen victim to one of the malicious felons or beautiful femme fatales from his lengthy rogues’ gallery of enemies? In the words of Central City’s most prominent headlines: “WHO KILLED THE SPIRIT?”
Content: (please note that content portions of a review may contain spoilers):
With the general age and overall prestige of Will Eisner’s The Spirit, I always feel a bit odd in that I’ve read very, very little of the character over the years. The forties era material has always been a little difficult for me to get my mindset shift to, and as much as I try I rarely feel like I succeed, both with original work and more updated ones. With this one, I do admit that I’m one of the very few that really, really, enjoyed the live action movie as I find it to be just incredibly fun in all the right ways. But the comics have eluded me. What could get me to try it in earnest? Well, Matt Wagner is pretty much at the top of that list, so discovering that he’s writing a new twelve part Spirit series essentially makes this must-read material.