Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman

Expanding on the Authorized Biography


Will Eisner

Hidden Gems: The Comic Book History of Comics (PanelsOnPages.com)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Shares[amazon_link id=”1613771975″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ][/amazon_link]By Robert Eddleman May 28, 2012 Most comic fans today have at least a passing knowledge of the medium’s history. “Golden Age,” “Silver Age,” “Pre- and Post-Crisis,” these are all thrown around terms most… Continue Reading →

Pittsburgh Screening: Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesThursday May 31st at the ToonSeum Lecture begins at 7:00pm Screening at 8:00pm As the exhibition Will Eisner’s New York draws to a close the ToonSeum celebrates the work and life of the legendary artist. Toonseum Resident Comics Scholar… Continue Reading →

Will Eisner’s Books (BookSteve’s Library)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesMost Will Eisner fans know that the artist spent many years with PS Magazine for the military after retiring THE SPIRIT in the early fifties. But what did he do in the period between leaving PS and when THE… Continue Reading →

At the Toonseum, a traveling exhibit honors comics pioneer Will Eisner (Pittsburgh City Paper)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 Sharesby Robert Raczka WILL EISNER’S NEW YORK continues through May 27. Toonseum 945 Liberty Ave. Downtown. 412-232-0199 or www.toonseum.org Will Eisner’s gifts were legion: He was a talented and fearlessly inventive draftsman; he had a strong sense of narrative… Continue Reading →

A Tribute To Will Eisner (A Moment of Cerebus blog)

ShareTweet+1SharePin0 SharesDAVE SIM: (from ‘My Dinner With Will & Other Stories’ in Following Cerebus #4, May 2005) …He had invented the term graphic novel at the age of 60 and was then faced with the problem of the limited number… Continue Reading →

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