Cartoonist Will Eisnerat the Inkpt Awards cere...Will Eisner, image via WikipediaSCHOLARSHIPS.NET: There are many who would like to go to college so that they can create the next generation of comic books. Will Eisner is one of the giants of the industry with such creations as Spirit and more. It is no wonder there is a scholarship which is named after him to help those looking to major in sequential art the ability to get the money that they need in order to go to school.

What You Will Need

The only way that you will be able to get this scholarship is through attending the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. It is designed so that the students who are looking to go even further in their career will be able to get the education that they will need. You will be able to apply for the scholarship either through the college or through the scholarship fund itself. You will also need to demonstrate a financial need.

Carrying on the Torch

The comic book artist community is a tight knit community and once you have received the education you need you will be well known in the industry. This is because there are not very many people doing this as a living anymore. Those who do want to create this unique art form will need to carry on the tradition. Click on the link above to find out more about all kinds of scholarships.

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