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By Alex Dueben, Staff Writer
October 25, 2011
Danny Fingeroth led a panel at New York Comic Con to talk about two of comic’s most iconic characters and their creators. Batman and The Spirit are about as different as Bob Kane and Will Eisner were, but the two creators knew each other and the characters were crafted at the same time and bore many similar influences. The panel consisted of film producer and comics writer Michael Uslan, writer and former editor Denny O’Neil, writer and former DC President Paul Levitz and comics historian N.C. Christopher Couch, who edited Eisner at Kitchen Sink Press for many years.
“Eisner and Kane knew each other, though Eisner was not complementary to Kane, who thought the man a poor artist,” Levitz said. “The two overlapped at Dewitt Clinton High School in the Bronx. They had worked on the school magazine and sold early humor pieces to ‘Wow, What a Magazine!’ At the time there was a small community of people aspiring to be cartoonists. Will would have said that he was better than Bob, though he wasn’t in the Society of Illustrators world.”
Bob Andelman is the author or co-author of 12 books, including Mind Over Business with Ken Baum, The Consulate with Thomas R. Stutler, The Profiler with Pat Brown, Built From Scratch with the founders of The Home Depot, The Profit Zone with Adrian Slywotzky, Mean Business with Albert J. Dunlap, and Will Eisner: A Spirited Life. Click here to see Bob Andelman’s Amazon Central author page. He is a member in good standing of the American Society of Journalists and Authors (member page).
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